I whispered into her ear, Every senior boy is going to want to fuck you, while every senior girl will wish she was you. Mom! Crystal gasped, my hot breath directly on her ear, clearly distracting her. Or eat you, if that is your thing. I added, smiling deviously. Mom! She repeated. What, isnt being bi the new in thing? I asked. Mom! She said yet again. Sorry, Crystal, it is just I have regained my sexual appetite recently, and it has really played havoc with my naughty innuendo talk, I explained. TMI, she said covering her ears. I took her hands in mine and said looking directly at her. Crystal, I dont have many girl friends and I was hoping you and I could have some frank discussions about life, love and sex. This is just too weird, she answered. I know, but pretend I am not your mom, but just another girl chatting, I said, before adding with puppy dog eyes, Will you please do that for me? O-o-okay, she stammered, unsure. Stay here, I am going to get you the right panties for this. I mentioned to Linda that "It could be fun." She put her hand on the nozzle and said, it sure could and called Melonie over. They discussed masturbating in the shower and tub openly and decided that this might even be better. Linda called dibs and asked me to help her. She put her legs on the side of the pool and that put her crotch right at the height she needed. My job was to hold her upper body and head up. So she got into position. She reached down and spread her pussy open to the nozzle blast and then moved back and forth to find just the right location. Since it was my job I held up her upper body with one hand and fucked around with her hard nipples with the other. She was getting really worked up and said "When I come I am going to go under water so I don't get too loud. When it was obvious that she was close I let go of her upper body and she put her head under. I could hear her screams but not too loud. Melonie had watched all of that with rapt attention. She had kept most.
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