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.. I know..." Meli sighed and turned her head. "I can't believe we're doing this. I don't even know you." She shook her head."We can change that," I said softly as I withdrew about six inches and then swiftly thrust forward again. She groaned and sighed and looked at me. Then I asked, "What did the other girls tell you about me?"She shook her head. "Not much, actually. It was all sex, sex, and more sex. Jocelyn and Kelly talked about how you made half the girls they know pass out from too much pleasure. Kerri and Julie talked about how agile your tongue was, doing things they couldn't believe were possible. And Dayna told me you two used to have all these random late night hookups for the fun of it."I raised my eyebrows. "You get around. How DO you know everybody?"Meli smiled enigmatically and then hunched her hips up at me. "You know, let's play twenty questions later. How 'bout you do your legendary sex god stuff on me first and then we'll get to know each other before fucking. That wonderful uncontrollable 'downward glance' that let us know William was quite aware of our now 'fully-developed' bodies! ____We'd actually talked about him at length during our leisurely stroll across town. (Talked about HIS LENGTH as well!) It was very entertaining to think that this guy had fucked both our moms, and was now single again! The poor guy... he'd just had his 42nd birthday. I remember because mom scratched the date out of June on our calendar.Becky and I compared notes: Our memories ranged from Becky seeing him in swim trunks in her hot-tub, to my seeing his ass one time when he accidentally left the bedroom door open. By any reasonable conclusion we could draw, he had some very NICE equipment! Neither of us had seen it in 'action mode' but I'd noticed quite a sizable pair of balls hanging into view whilst gazing at his ass! Becky recalls one time finding my mom's gift to him in the laundry-basket: a sheer black male bikini-bottom... otherwise referred to as a.
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