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Staying in the cold for 2 weeks and then driving back home for another week. Sorry... no I'm not really that excited." "But we'll get to ski! And aren't you happy we'll get to spend some time together?" Came Lynn's quick retort. Nick smiled and ruffled his little sister's hair and said, "Yeah yeah we'll have fun." Lynn perked up and said, "Hey, do you want to hypnotize me while we wait on the rest of the family?" Nick smiled again. His little sister often offered to let him practice hypnotism. He found her to be pretty suggestible. He had found that using hypnotism you couldn't just have people do whatever you wanted. One rule was that it had to be something they were okay with or agreed with at least subconsciously for their conscious mind not to instantly reject his suggestion. He had once suggested their middle sibling Ashley break up with a boyfriend who Nick could see was treating her poorly, but this broke her out of her suggestible state and she hadn't let him hypnotize her. There was Sarah a new girl in our school. She just moved to this skool and she was only 14,she got moved up to the high because she was pretty smart.So anyways, Mark went in there and they were in there alone. Sarah screamed "what the hell are you doing in here!" but mark put his hand over her mouth and took her to a corner. And he started puttin his hand under her shirt. She started to cry and tried gettin away. But he was to big. And then mark saw me. He pulled out a gun and told me to come in. He told me to hold her hands. I did as I was told. Then He pulled his pants and boxers off. His dick was at least 7 in. Then he pulled her pants off. Now she really struggled. But now Mark was on top of her and forced the head of his dick in her pussy. She tried fighting but I held her still.I dont know what got into me but this really turned me on. Then he went in a little deeper. And soon he felt her hymen. Mark said "damn this bitch a virgin ima have some fun." Then with.
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