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Feeling like a dirty whore i once again thanked them for letting me have their spunk,and they laughed as drunkardly they staggered off zipping their pants up. Alone in the backstreet the realisation of what id just done began to sink in and my cock grew hard as i thought about what a slut id been,still with the taste of the last guys spunk fresh in my mouth , i needed a good assfucking more than id ever thought possible and i swore the next guy to come round that corner would soon be up to his balls in my ass. Within a minute somone wandered towards me and i motioned him to come over,making no attempt to hide the fact i was almost naked, i backed up onto some cardboard boxes and lay back ,spreading my legs wide and stroking my asshole."some guys said u looking for a cock to suck " he mumbled"nah, im looking for a cock to fuck my ass good and hard,THEN i'll suck on it" i replied and he looked v pleased. "but ive not got a rubber" he said and i didnt have 1 either but i wanted it so. You apply a little bit of makeup and check yourself out in the mirror, "looking good girl" you think to yourself as you do a twirl in the mirror, and smacking you're ass with both hands and giggling. "thank god for discreet packaging and online shops" you say aloud, knowing that there was no way your parents wouldn't have a fit if they saw some of the clothing you bought yourself for college.You're just putting on some tall heels, as your phone goes off on your bed, you walk over and see that its a text from Tanya saying the gang was almost all there and they got the "goods". Well that's a relief, you assume goods meant a few bottles of spirits and maybe some beers, while the wine was an option, there was the risk of accidentally drinking or breaking the expensive stuff, as the night went on, knowing there is more stuff available, you could just take a few bottles, and not tell your friends where they're kept, there now you don't have to worry about breaking or drinking the expensive.
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