She is lying there, quiet, facing away from us. I’m feeling Nadine pushing her ass towards me as I’m sliding deeper inside her pussy. I can’t help but to contract my dick from pleasure. I must be pumping pre-cum inside her. I’m all the way inside her now. I’m savouring the sensation. Is this the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done in my life? I don’t dare to fuck her properly. It would be too obvious with her mom just sleeping next to her. Nadine is very careful as well. So all we do is rock back and forth very gently, barely noticeable. The excitement of doing this next to her mom is incredible. It elevates my pleasure to a whole new level. I’m feeling so much! I’m so close to cumming already! I keep contracting my dick. Every time I’m feeling more pleasure. And more! And more! Nadine is reaching back again massaging my shaft between my balls. That does it! I’m orgasming so hard I can just contain a scream. A sharp exhale slips out through my mouth and nose as I’m twitching and pumping. When I finally had to come back up for air, I just tapped his ass and he got the message. My few seconds getting air, I could hear Deb in what sounded like the first half of an orgasm already! He always was her pussy’s Kryptonite (mine too!). I went back down and gave him another few seconds of dick sucking before I felt him pulling me up.Deb was a bit further back on the deck, writhing around as she was cumming, and he pushed me to the shallow end of the pool. ”What now?” I asked, throwing my arms around his neck as he followed. ”Now, I’m gonna fuck you.” he said, kissing me and pushing me up onto the stairs that lead down into the pool. I reached back, found the edge above the top step and let my back rest on the stairs, keeping my tits above water. He knelt a few steps down, and put my legs out around his hips. I was so horny and the water everywhere made it so slippery, I didn’t even feel his cock push into my pussy. I DID feel the head of it slam into the roof of my.
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