It's gone." They all looked, and there was no longer a helipad or walkway. They were made very uncomfortable by the loss, although it made no logical difference to their predicament. -- For good PR I said, "If any of you feel you have to leave, just let me know and I'll recreate it for you and call your helicopter back. None of you are forced to remain here, although I suggest there are better ways of leaving than what was just so intelligently demonstrated to us. -- "Second, I notice that some of the helicopters below us are filming upward. The women wearing skirts might want to take some measures to retain their modesty." I'm nothing if not a moral angel. Some of the women were wearing quite short skirts, but even the long-skirt wearers played safe by poking their skirts between their legs and clamping them there. -- "Third, would I be correct in assuming that it would be better to have the cameramen to the side so they can film the conversation clearly?" I got several agreements. ’ ‘And your hair colour, Tamsin?’ ‘Brunette.’ Amanda was auburn. ‘Tamsin, what is your favourite rock band?’ ‘I love U2,’ Amanda said, wondering why. She couldn’t fucking stand U2. Her breath caught. But Tamsin did … ‘And now, I’ve got to ask you. Tamsin, do you smoke?’ Amanda shook her head. She didn’t smoke. Filthy habit. She opened her mouth to speak … ‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘Have you been a smoker for long, Tamsin?’ ‘Not really,’ replied Amanda. ‘Since my eighteenth, two weeks ago.’ ‘Do you love your husband?’ the voice asked. ‘I think so,’ Amanda responded, amazed that she wasn’t responding as ‘Tamsin’ this time. ‘You only think so?’ the voice asked. ‘Well, I did when I married him – I thought I was in love with him, only -‘ ‘You disappoint me,’ said the voice. ‘The truth, now. Do you love your husband Michael, yes or no?’ Amanda found herself trembling, trying to withhold the answer, but there was that strange compulsion to speak the truth, as though releasing the truth, however.
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