Jacinda picked up the first and just stared. Well snapped the committee magistrate what do you see. It’s a young girl getting her bare bottom smacked over the knee of an old man. Is the girls bottom very red is her mouth open snapped the magistrate. Yes missus very red replied Jacinda. Good next photo.Red faced Jacinda had to look at dozens of pictures mainly showing girls getting caned strapped whipped. Some sexual of girls strapped to devices. Then looking at the last photo Jacinda really was frightened.For she was looking at herself bare bottom. Prior being caught shop lifting. That led to her being brought to the institution. Jacinda and anther girl had on a few occasions for the fun of it. Shown their bare bottoms to passing traffic then run over a railway bridge to avoid getting caught. They had also both showed their bare bottoms to men near a public toilet. They had never been caught and had stopped after a few times. As they knew the bridge and toilet were now being. The physical distance between them would be a challenge but not something that would cause them problems.Claire had been through some awful experiences in her life, she had used her body as a negotiating tool to appease men throughout her relationships. Physical contact didn’t worry her, although her new found freedom to be in control of who, when and why, was something she would have to come to terms with. For Claire, to feel loved was everything. Men had always let her down. She knew Jon was different and wanted to please him in every way. Jon would make sure he did. Her cuddles with him were special, they gave her the belief everything was going to be alright and she could trust him.Finally, the broken one, Fiona. The beautiful redhead had been raped, abandoned and disowned. She had built a wall around herself to be able to cope with life. He had already broken elements of that shield away and, she had allowed him to do so. He had already seen her pull away from other men such as.
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