But nearly all of them will still be short-term thinkers, which means they'll still be nothing more than nuisances. -- "What was particularly annoying about today, is that I picked these girls because I thought most of them would be good replacement Liaisons. Instead they all acted like idiots. I wanted to fire Laila today, but I don't have a good replacement for her. I could pick a replacement more or less at random, but that's not good enough. The ONLY girls here today who were slightly cooperative, were doing so because they wanted sex with Mark. If that's what most interests them about him, they're not likely to become smart, successful Liaisons. They'll be fun for him to play with, but there's no shortage of that type of girl. I want SMART girls, who can be USEFUL. Lying on their backs and waving their legs in the air seems to be about the only things these girls are capable of, Lily excepted. I had an image of our having a large bunch of girls, all eager to be useful and. I said no probs for me we all three can have a pleasurable sex.P:Thanks a lot sandy we can meet tomorrowS:I stopped her don’t keep the mobile and asked what type of sex position you like to get fuckedP:I want to have a hardcore sex you need to fuck me continuously still I stop youS:I said i will fuck you to the core still you stop meP:she started laughing and said you naughty am gonna see tomorrow how much pleasure you are going to giveS:Ok pooja mam good night wait for me tomorrow we can have a unforgettable fun.At morning 6 am I woke up and had a bath I dressed myself with a casual shirt and jean pant.I perfumed myself with my favourite Adidas body deodorant which protects me from the Chennai hotness.After that it was 8.30 am I had my breakfast in hotel and started from vadapalani to velacherry i reached velacherry bus stand at 9.30 am.After reaching I ringed her no she told me to wait for 10 mins. I got a call from pooja she asked where am standing i said the landmark and colour.
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