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I suddenly noticed how horny I was getting. Even my tiny prick was getting a stiffy. I started running my hands over my tightly clad body and was slowly getting more turned on. I just couldn’t stop. Second by second I was getting hotter and hotter. I looked again at my image in the mirror, something was changing. I started getting dizzy and it was like I was about to cum. Next thing I know I Scream in a mind-blowing orgasm. And collapse to the floor.What feels like days later, I wake up where I fell. I see my clock in the bedroom through the Bathroom door. It appears that I have been out for at least four hours. My body still feels weird. Still have the weakness like you would have after a good mind-blowing orgasm. I slowly start standing back up and notice that there has been some changes to me. Totally mind f**ked at this point. I notice first that my face has changed. More feminine, But stern. My hair is now Raven Black and goes down to just below my knees. And as for filling out. I have a variety of cylindrical devices that can fill any opening of your body. I have a dildo on a drill. I have a mechanical fucking machine that I am sure you would enjoy. I can attach electrodes to your nipples and one to your clit and see how much voltage you can endure. Perhaps you’d like a little bit of everything.”He was telling me things I’d never heard of before. I didn’t know how to respond to his sudden candor. Some of it scared me, and being helpless as I felt at the moment, the thought of being violated in such sadistic ways by this man whom I barely know was more than frightening. He left me hoisted in the air and walked back to his bench. A moment later, he came back and asked me if I could guess what he had in his hand while holding it chest-high in front of me.“I don’t know,” I replied.He held it closer. “I smell a candle,” I finally acknowledge. He must have lit it with the match earlier.“That’s right,” he said, and waved it under my chin and nose. He moved it.
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